A School Street is a road outside a school with a temporary restriction on motorised traffic at school drop-off and pick-up times.
The restriction applies to school traffic and through traffic. The result is a safer, healthier and pleasant environment for everyone.
We collaborate with Local Authorities to establish school street closures.
We provide advice and guidance to help Local Authorities to introduce school streets within their areas. We also share knowledge and learning between the Local Authorities regarding the process and implementation.
Traffic congestion in the streets that serve schools can put children at greater risk from road danger and poor air quality and car centric environments can lead to lower levels of physical activity. School streets, by a reduction in vehicle traffic, both during and after street closure times can provide an improvement to the safety, air quality and overall experience within the street.
Find out more at:
School Streets Closures – South Tyneside Council
South Tyneside starts first School Street – Sustrans.org.uk
School Streets | Newcastle City Council