What is PACC?
Physical Activity Clinical Champions (PACC) is an evidence-based physical activity education programme for health and care professionals. The programme aims to:
- Increase knowledge, skills, and confidence in discussing physical activity with patients.
- Support better patient outcomes by embedding advice on physical activity into routine care and consultations.
Why PACC matters
People who are regularly engaging with Healthcare Professionals (those with, or at risk of, developing health conditions) are far more likely to be inactive. Healthcare professionals are uniquely positioned to promote physical activity, yet a 2017 survey of 1000 GP’s found:
- 80% were unfamiliar with the national physical activity guidelines.
- Less than half (44%) felt confident discussing physical activity with patients.
- 55% had done no specific training on physical activity.
PACC addresses these gaps by empowering professionals with practical knowledge and tools to make a difference.
Our role
Through our previous work organising PACC training for staff at Cumbria, Northumberland, and Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust, we identified that healthcare professionals face barriers to accessing CPD opportunities once embedded within the workforce, due to capacity & time constraints.
As a result, we’ve worked closely in partnership with Newcastle University to deliver in-person training to Medicine, Nutrition, and Pharmacy students, to ensure that key physical activity messaging is ingrained, prior to the students joining the future workforce.

The impact
Key participant feedback from our latest training session with Newcastle University in October 2024, in which over 300 students took part:
99% of respondents feel more confident promoting physical activity to patients.
98% of respondents better understand how their messaging can result in patients becoming more physically active.
95% of respondents felt that the training had increased their knowledge and understanding of the benefits that being physically active can have for patient outcomes.
92% of respondents agreed that promoting physical activity will be more of a priority for them.
92% of respondents felt that the training will help them undertake their future health role more effectively.
Shadowing opportunities
To further reinforce the PACC training, we invited students to shadow community-based physical activity sessions including:
- Every Move Matters: Helping participants aged 55+ maintain independence through tailored physical activity.
- Weight Management: Offering practical advice on diet and physical activity.
- ESCAPE Pain: Supporting people with chronic joint pain through education and exercise.
The shadowing opportunities have resulted in incredible feedback from students:
100% of respondents either agreed, or strongly agreed that attending the shadowing session had been an engaging experience for them.
92% of respondents either agreed, or strongly agreed that having attended both the PACC training and a shadowing session, that their confidence to prescribe physical activity to patients in future had increased.
Talking to individuals really helps to understand the value they see in the physical activity and how it’s impacted their life. I was able to see how the activity leader encouraged people to take what they had learned and continue at home by congratulating and recognising progress
We’re working to expand our PACC training and shadowing opportunities to other universities and healthcare settings, ensuring greater access to these impactful programmes.
To learn more about PACC, please visit the Moving Medicine Website.
For more information on PACC training please contact Jack Liddle, Empowering People Development Manager.