Adam is the VCSE (Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise) representative on the ICP, a committee that drives the strategic direction of the Integrated Care System (ICS).
Integrated care systems, (ICSs) are made up of NHS organisations and local councils and include the voluntary sector, social care providers and other partners who have a role in improving health and wellbeing, such as Rise.
Their aim is to create joined up services that rethink how care meets the current needs of local people, and that also aims to prevent people’s health getting worse – with a focus on prevention, better outcomes and reducing health inequalities.
Adam has significant experience and knowledge which provides him with an in-depth understanding about the current ICS landscape, the complexities to whole system approaches and the current challenges being faced by both the health and VCSE sectors.
Adam said: “Being a real advocate and extremely passionate about the vital role Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise organisations play in health improvement and ill health prevention, I’m delighted to have been co-opted onto the Integrated Care Partnership as a representative for the sector. I’m looking forward to working with colleagues to further develop collaborative plans which can tackle the health inequalities that are so prevalent across the North East and North Cumbria.”